The Benefits Of Using A Limousine Service For A Funeral Procession


A funeral procession is one of the last ways that you can show respect for your loved one. Processions typically involve the family of the loved one following the hearse from the location of the funeral to the cemetery. Processions can also take place as soon as the body leaves the funeral home for the funeral. In some cases, family members may drive their own vehicles, or they may rent a limousine and travel together. Weighing the pros and cons of renting a limousine for a funeral procession will help you decide if it is the ideal option in your situation. Here are a few of the benefits to using a limousine service for a funeral procession. 

No One Has to Drive While Distraught

One of the biggest benefits to using a limousine service for a funeral procession is that no one has to drive while they are distraught. Funerals can be emotionally-wrenching. And even those who think that they have a strong hold on their emotions may find themselves overcome with grief or sorrow as reality sets in that they are about to bury their loved one. Fatigue, stress, anger and sadness can all effect how you drive. It may be hard to believe, but these emotions can impact your driving just as negatively as having consumed alcoholic drinks and driving or being engaged in a phone call while driving. And the last thing a grieving family needs is for an accident to occur during a funeral procession. When you hire a limousine service, you don't place the burden of driving on any family members or close friends. You can rent one or multiple limousines to take part in the funeral procession. This allows everyone to grieve and not have to worry about driving.

The Family Can Arrive and Leave Together

Another benefit to hiring a limousine service for a funeral procession is that the entire family can arrive and leave together. Death can be a stressful and overwhelming time and unfortunately, negative family dynamics may come into play. If every family member is driving their own vehicle in the funeral procession, you have to worry about what order the vehicles are arranged, which can be stressful and potentially problematic. One sibling may want to ride with their mother or father, while another one may be upset that they aren't in the lead car. Limousines are available in a variety of sizes and can accommodate large groups. This means that all of the siblings can ride in the lead car with the surviving spouse, if there is one, and arrive and leave at the same time, cutting back on any unnecessary drama that can occur.

The Family Has Privacy and Support

The last benefit to using a limousine service for a funeral procession is that your family has a bit of privacy and you can get the support you need from loved ones. Pulling up to the place where a funeral or burial is going to occur for your loved one can be hard. Most limousines have tinted windows. This allows a family the opportunity to have a moment of privacy to grieve, talk or compose themselves before exiting the vehicle and facing your loved ones not so close family members or friends. The other benefit to using this type of service is that it holds more people than a car, so you have the support of your immediate family right there. If you have six children, they can all sit with you and you can all support each other.

When you begin to plan a funeral, you may not give much thought to the procession. However, it is something that you should be begin to consider and plan before the event takes place. When planning the procession, you will have to decide whether you want family and friends to drive their own vehicles, or whether you want to rent one or more limousines to transport immediate family members. Ultimately, you have to do what you feel is best. Learning about the benefits of using a limousine service for a funeral procession will help you decide if it is right in your situation.


24 February 2016

Navigating Public Transportation in a Big City

I come from a small town. It's so small that there is no public bus service—you can walk everywhere within city limits. People drove their cars if they wanted to leave town. At home, I rarely saw a taxi, and subways were something I only saw in movies. Moving to New York City was a shock in many ways, but learning how to get around using public transportation was one of the biggest hurdles that I faced. I didn't know how much to tip a taxi driver or how to find my way around on the bus. However, I did eventually learn. I know that there must be many people who are facing the same learning curve that I was facing a few years ago. I started this blog to help other small town natives like me learn how to get around in the big city.